In the midst of an Informal Settlement in Mamelodi East, you will find this haven of care, education and service provision, named the Viva Village.
Children in the surrounding community, live with their parents in tin shacks and navigate open sewer, strewn rubbish, cattle, mud, illegal electrical connections and even more sinister dangers, as they make their way to the Viva Village Independent School.
In many of the learners' own words: "I like Viva Village, because there I feel safe."
There are no harsher images of the inequality in South Africa than its informal settlements. Viva believes that QUALITY EDUCATION is the way to EQUALITY. The Viva Village Independent School and its sister campus, Viva Independent School, Refilwe, aim to be the equaliser.
Poverty conceals potention, Education reveals it!
Support a child at Viva today. There is no greater impact, immediate and long-term, with such rewarding return on investment.